Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Studio Opening Party
We also cannot say enough about all the amazing people and vendors who provided for our big event. There were cheese trays from Old City Cheese Shop, incredible sushi from A Little Cafe, little cupcakes from Tina Freels Cakes, and even wedding cake from Ann's Cake Pan. The plasma bar and lighting from Synergetic Sounds & Lighting was fantastic and all the other local businesses (like the amazing Scarlett Bride and makeup artist Beke Beau!) that stuffed our gift bags, you guys are all awesome! Old City rocks & everyone made us feel so welcome to be a part of their little section of Philly!
I know a blog post isn't much without some photos so I'll see if I can revisit this post once I get some photos from Bryce (one of our talented associate photographers)!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Kaylin and Joe Engagement Session

Sorry - this post is soooo long overdue! Preparation for the party has taken up tons more time than I anticipated (but thats ok, cause that means the party will be that much better!) - but things are settling down a bit - so now its time to catch up on the blog!
When we first met Kaylin and Joe, they told us all about how they met in high school - and I knew immediately that I wanted to do a session with them there! How cool is that? High-school-sweethearts!!
So we headed to their old school and took these fun shots! I really wanted to be able to get inside (I could just visualize all these cute shots involving desks and chalkboards!), but since it was a weekend, we couldn't get in... so went for some "under the bleachers" shots instead ;)
Kaylin and Joe were awesome despite the temperature being about 1000 degrees! We were all sweating to death, but they still managed to look super cool in these pix....
Thanks so much for sharing the day with us!
Laura (& Paul!)
Saturday, August 09, 2008
New Studio! Its official! And Grand Opening Party on August 27th!!!

From what we've heard our little secret is out (well, it was never really a secret, just something we wanted to keep quiet until it was ready!). We've officially opened for business in Philadelphia with a great studio space in Old City!
Philly has been our "adopted" city for quite a while now (more than two-thirds of the weddings we shoot are in the city), so we thought it was time to make the commitment and make it official!
As you can see from the pictures below, we are still hanging pictures and putting up the finishing touches, but its really starting to come together!

The space is very easy to find! We are located at:
158 North 3rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
We are very near the corner of Race Street, and next to The Old City Cheese Shop. There is almost always available parking on Florist Street - one block further down Race, on the right. We haven't worked out any "regular" hours yet - so we are doing appointment only at the moment - but I expect to be in the studio at least a few days a week (if you'd like to stop in, just give me a ring first!).
We are very excited to be sharing part of the space with our friend Pamela Hale from Passion for Petals. When I called Pam to talk about the studio, the timing turned out to be just right - she was just thinking that she wanted to get an address in the city too!
We are going to have a big grand opening party on August 27th - and if you are reading this blog - you are more than welcome to join us! Just be sure to shoot me a quick email ( and I'll either send you an invitation or add you to the e-vite.
Keep an eye on the blog for more party details coming soon!!!
We would like to thank our family, friends and clients who have been so encouraging and supportive of us over the years - its really exciting to be able to take this step, and we know that we couldn't have done this with out you!